Name: Shale Ahmed
Educational Qualifications: PhD applicant (Australia); MPH in Population and Reproductive Health (IUB); MA (Jagannath University); BA (Dhaka College)
Designation: Executive Director, Bandhu Social Welfare
IUB ID # 0614005
Session: 2006-07
Email: shale_a@hotmail.com; Shale@bandhu-bd.org |
Name: Rumana Khan
Educational Qualifications: MPH in Population and Reproductive Health (IUB); BSc in Environmental Sciences (IUB)
Designation: Specialist, UNRC
IUB ID # 0210139
Session: 2006-07
Email: rumnana_3@hotmail.com |
Name: Md. Abdul Kuddus
Educational Qualifications: MPH in Population and Reproductive Health (IUB); MBBS (Rajshahi Medical College)
Designation: Project Manager, Perinatal Care Project, Diabetic Association of Bangladesh
IUB ID # 0614006
Session: 2006-07
Email: kudduspcp@dab-bd.org |
Name: Suman Krishna Sikder
Educational Qualifications: MPH in Population and Reproductive Health (IUB); MSS & BSS (Jagannath University)
Designation: Manager, Marie Stopes International
IUB ID # 0614002
Session: 2006-07
Email: sumanksikder@yahoo.com |
Name: Maidul Alam Chaklader
Educational Qualifications: MSc (University of Toronto); MPH in Population and Reproductive Health (IUB); BSc in Environmental Sciences (IUB)
Designation: Lecturer, School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, IUB
IUB ID # 0220252
Session: 2006-07
Email: freebird_rasha@yahoo.com |
Name: Samia Aziz
Educational Qualifications: MPH in Population and Reproductive Health (IUB); BSc in Environmental Sciences and Management (IUB)
Designation: Lecturer, School of Public Health, IUB
IUB ID # 0220293
Session: 2006-07
Email: manishan2003@yahoo.com |
Name: Diwas Sharma
Educational Qualifications: MPH in Population and Reproductive Health (IUB); BPH (Nepal Institute of Health Science)
Lives in Nepal
IUB ID # 0614007
Session: 2006-07
Email: sharmadiwas@hotmail.com |
Name: Rojan Dahal
Educational Qualifications: MPH in Population and Reproductive Health (IUB); BPH (Nepal Institute of Health Science)
Lives in Nepal
IUB ID # 0614008
Session: 2006-07
Email: dahalrojan@yahoo.com |